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The Photography tutorial is an e-book that was specially created for students that are considering a path in photography and want to learn more about the vast field of modern photography.

Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. Choose our e-book and become a master of modern photography. The chapters of the e-book are organized in a way which offers a smooth learning curve for all students making the process more fun and enjoyable. If you download the e-book now, you'll get discount codes to the advanced photography courses.

The ebook covers the following topics:

  • Recommended camera settings for portrait photography
  • Everything You Need to Know About Macro Photography
  • Low Light Photography Tips
  • Recommended Camera Settings for Landscape Photography
  • Complete Guide to Black and White Photography

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